Monday 19 June 2017

Showcase/talk through - Environment

3D Roman Theme envorionment/Walled City
My first Screen shot is of a top view of my map and the corner of the entrance at the front of the walled town. From this angle and hitgh you can see the entire and all of its buildings.

This is a more higher view/side view of the town with the light casting it in shadows highlighting the rest of the map. From here you can see a clear view of the bigger house out of the three on the right side of the environment.  

Here is a view from the back of the map showing the chalice within the temple glowing and spreading light threw thr temple pillars and trees.

In these screenshots you can see a clear view of the inside of the temple with the chalice. The mini temples would usually have smaller chalices within them, but for lighting effect i decided to only add one in the biggest temple. The front entrance path through the city toweards the bigger temple splits into 2 path ways that take you around the temple to the back side that you saw before.

As you come back around the big temple you can return to the middle path and the town to observe the fron thouses sourrounded by trees and a set of seats.

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